Overview of MGA's Online Mathematics Classes

This web site applies to ALL online sections of MATH 1101, MATH 1111, MATH 1112, MATH 1113, MATH 1200, MATH 1251, and MATH 2120

Instruction in all MGA fully online mathematics classes is delivered via Brightspace(D2L) and inclusive resources, but there are 2 required proctored exam experiences.

Technology Requirements for Proctored Exams:

1. Students must own their own Desktop or Laptop with a standard Windows or Mac operating systems, and be able to be in a room by yourself for the entire exam time.

The following Internet items are not supported: Chromebooks, tablets, notepads, phones and Windows 10S.

2. Webcam, microphone, and speakers

3. Students will also need a photoID.

For more information follow this link:


Instruction in all MGA fully online mathematics classes is delivered via Brightspace(D2L) but there are 2 required proctored exam experiences.

Textbook and prerequisite information:

MATH 1101:
Required Textbook: MyMathLab Access Code: Inclusive Access- Your Bursar Or Financial Aid Account Will Be Billed
Required Calculator: TI 84 Plus

MATH 1111:
Required Textbook: ALEKS 360 Access Code: Inclusive Access- Your Bursar Or Financial Aid Account Will Be Billed
Prerequisite: Test score placement

MATH 1112:
Required Textbook: ALEKS 360 Access Code: Inclusive Access- Your Bursar Or Financial Aid Account Will Be Billed
Prerequisite: Test score placement

MATH 1113:
Required Textbook: ALEKS 360 Access Code: Inclusive Access- Your Bursar Or Financial Aid Account Will Be Billed
Prerequisite: At least a "C" in MATH 1111

MATH 1401:
Required Textbook: ConnectMath Code: Inclusive Access- Your Bursar Or Financial Aid Account Will Be Billed
Required Calculator: TI 84 Plus
Prerequisite: At least a "C" in MATH 1001, MATH 1101, or MATH 1111

MATH 1251:
Required Textbook: Calculus Edition, 10th edition, by Larson with WebAssign Access Code.
At least a "C" in MATH 1112 or 1113; or a math SAT score of at least 600; or a math ACT score of at least 26; or a score of 24 or higher on the Mathematics Placement Exam

MATH 2120:
Required Textbook: Discrete Mathematics, 2011, by Gary Chartrand and Ping Zhang.
Prerequisite: At least a "C" in MATH 1111.

Purchasing Textbooks

Included access courses will recieve their access the first day of classes through Brightspace/D2L and be billed for the access code.

All Textbooks and MyMathLab codes are available online at our Middle Georgia Campus Store. If you are a distance learner, you can use the Shop Online link there. All access codes for ALEKS and ConnectMath (which include eBooks) are available via included access. Students get their access through Brightspace and are billed later at the lowest price that you can obtain a valid code.

Course Management System

All Middle Georgia Online courses will become available on the first day of class at




General Course Requirements:

1. Online mathematics courses are NOT self-paced. The schedule for the classes is laid out for you in the Calendar tool. Students must log in daily or nearly daily, spending at least 9 hours per week in a Fall or Spring semester and 18 hours per week in a short Summer semester working on the various aspects of the course including reading, viewing lecture or example videos, working homework problems, quizzes and online exams. These times listed are the same time a face-to-face student is expected to be in class or working on class assignments.

2. Students are responsible for having a working computer that connects to the Internet for daily use throughout the semester. Local students may use on campus computers available on any of our campuses should their home computer fail for any reason. Non-local students are responsible for finding a back-up computer as necessary for completing their work in a timely manner.

3. Students may get help from their instructor or their classmates at any time by posting questions in the Discussion area of D2L.


What an online class is NOT:

Do not expect it to be easier to take a math class online. You must learn exactly the same information and complete the same exams as you would have to do in a face-to-face class. An online class is at most more convenient for some students since travel to a campus is not required daily nor weekly.


What taking an online class requires:

1. Competence in the content of prerequisite course material.

2. Weekly, if not daily, time commitment.

3. Self-direction, organization, persistence, and maturity.

4. Ability to meet deadlines on your own.